Member-only story
My Potato Chips are Talking to Me
People think politicians are puppet masters — hypnotizing us with their magic words and bending us to their will.
I beg to differ. I think our true puppet masters are food.
It’s our potato chips that are seducing us.
I’ve been observing a lot of post-holiday behavior in my office lately and it’s left me certain I am right.
In the spirit of New Year’s Resolutions, people are walking around in various states of withdrawal — jonesing for one more bite of sugary junk food.
There like bears waking from hibernation unaware of who they were before winter set in (i.e. six weeks of holiday sugar/carb binging).
But it’s a new year, which dictates a new resolution; and most of them seem to be focused on weight loss and new healthy habits.
So onward they march, with the zest of a child being dragged to the dentist.
We’ve got the Coffee Quitters, scary, highly irritated individuals, prone to unprovoked outbursts, with a jumbo-sized bottle of Excedrin perched…